
MWF Series Washer-Extractors

Product > MILNOR Washer-Extractor > MWF Series Washer-Extractors

MWF Series Washer-Extractors

Equipment introduction

Milnor MWF series remain all the advantages of Milnor X series suspended washer-

extractor, with less space required. Advanced suspension system makes machine

operation more steady. Touch screen control for ease and flexibility in washing.

These machines are ready to become high-performance solutions in your facility.


Advanced suspension cushions vibration system 
The use of spiral rubber shock absorbers, different from other steel spring damping systems, more quiet; corrosion-resistant, maintenance-free.
Excellent cylinder design 
The drum design has a wider range of small holes for better washing quality, faster and better rinsing and drying.
Inverter driving system is simple and efficient 
The variable frequency drive provides all the different speeds to help prevent load imbalance and a programmable speed design for maximum control. Another high-speed dewatering function is suitable for cotton clothes, while the low-speed function can be used for chemical fiber fabric energy-saving drives to reduce the need for peak power consumption.
Multifunctional microcomputer processing controller 
The E-P Plus and MiItouch computers support built-in preset programs or field programming. Both controllers have a data display screen and a program timer for monitoring.
Ergonomically friendly 
The wide cylinder door is of moderate height, and there is no need to bend over when opening and closing the door, reducing the labor.
Built for durability 
Computer analysis optimizes structural design, the frame is highly durable, and the machine is more durable; high-quality tapered roller bearings are mounted ina rugged housing.

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