
INTACT Dryer(100kg)

Product > INTACT Dryer > INTACT Dryer(100kg)

INTACT Dryer(100kg)

Low equipment energy consumption cost

Minimize the labor cost

Prolong the service life of linens

Over-drying proof technology

Advanced Design

Innovative humidity sensor to detect the accurate data of drying status

Free Maintenance

Low equipment energy consumption cost

Minimize the labor cost

Prolong the service life of linens

Over-drying proof technology

Advanced Design

Innovative humidity sensor to detect the accurate data of drying status

Free Maintenance

The unique rotary switch which doesn't need cleaning or hard touch, high reliability and free maintenance

Automatical control completely.

Dryer will automatically stop once reaching dry degree target, not need operators judgment based on experience or skills

Multi-step drying function, which enables the drying with high temperature in the beginning and cooling in the last cycle

Drying Degree Setup

Drying degree range is between 0 ~40%,which enable you to set up every cycle according to specific requirement


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