
INTACT Dryer(54kg)

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INTACT Dryer(54kg)

Low equipment energy consumption cost

Minimize the labor cost

Prolong the service life of linens

Over-drying proof technology

Advanced Design

Innovative humidity sensor to detect the accurate data of drying status

Free Maintenance

Low equipment energy consumption cost

Minimize the labor cost

Prolong the service life of linens

Over-drying proof technology

Advanced Design

Innovative humidity sensor to detect the accurate data of drying status

Free Maintenance

The unique rotary switch which doesn't need cleaning or hard touch, high reliability and free maintenance

Automatical control completely.

Dryer will automatically stop once reaching dry degree target, not need operators judgment based on experience or skills

Multi-step drying function, which enables the drying with high temperature in the beginning and cooling in the last cycle

Drying Degree Setup

Drying degree range is between 0 ~40%which enable you to set up every cycle according to specific requirement


邯郸市| 章丘市| 日照市| 陵水| 田东县| 长沙市| 宽甸| 沁阳市| 栾川县| 固镇县| 福建省| 五家渠市| 清苑县| 通城县| 临泉县| 喀喇沁旗| 台湾省| 会理县| 响水县| 攀枝花市| 洛浦县| 昆山市| 茌平县| 永吉县| 宣城市| 云霄县| 涟水县| 山阴县| 呼伦贝尔市| 类乌齐县| 伊春市| 晋江市| 嫩江县| 晋州市| 大同市| 连云港市| 康定县| 富顺县| 西昌市| 和龙市| 云阳县|